In Italy one in four young people neither/do not study or work, but there are solutions.
For several years now, on European level the focus is set on Neet, the English acronym for "Not in Education, Employment or Training", i.e. young people who are not involved in an education or training program nor engaged in employment.
The latest ISTAT data research, which included over 2,435 young people between 15 and 29 years old, reveal that in Italy in 2013, there are 26.0% who belongs to Neet category. It is clearly above the European average (15.9%) and second only to Greece (28.9%).
Although the phenomenon appears complex and difficult to resolve given the current economic situation in Italy, there are various initiatives to stem it. We want to recount a few.In the European context the Youth Guarantee was born, a community plan which was committed to member states which are worst affected by youth unemployment, and means funding the investment in active policies not only for employment but also for career guidance and training. Approved by EU countries in April 2013, in Italy the plan Youth Guarantee was launched in May 2014, reaching 147.130 registrations on portal in a three months.
In our house, the AMVA Program (Apprenticeship and Crafts in Artisan Vocation), dedicated to young people under 29 with the aim of creating new jobs in the crafts and Italian manufacturing tradition, has ran out 3,000 places with a paid traineeship, a year earlier than expected.
At the regional level, as well, many initiatives are born, such as GiovaniSì project in Tuscany, which since 2011 supports youth autonomy in several areas: support the housing emancipation from the family of origin and strengthen the law-related opportunities to study, to have a career training and to integrate in the labor market.Despite the seriousness of the problem, this appears as invitation for them to be the architects of their own future starting from the present.