Twenty Italian cities offer the performance of cycling at European level.
Alongside the large urban areas, where non-motorized mobility is still a marginal phenomenon, there is an Italy who rides.
Data from the latest research A Bi Ci of the cycling (March 2015), created by Legambiente in collaboration with New Mobility Network, show that, in our country, the use of bicycles as a real means of transport is in a steady and significant growth, contributing to the emergence of new mobility styles. In Bolzano, Pesaro and Ferrara nearly a third of the population moves by bicycle, a result which places those three provincial capitals among the 20 European cities that have the highest percentage of bike trips, in comparison to total number of trips by any means.
These findings are the result of specific local government projects, which aimed to promote this new form of mobility for citizens' daily routes, such as the move from home to work or to school. The most virtuous community, which are for now, mainly concentrated in the north of the country, have been developed bike paths that connect all major urban areas, adequately protected bike circuits from motorized traffic.
Italians are therefore ready to pedal, as it is confirmed by the steady increase of the number of frequent bikers, i.e. those who use the bicycle daily.
In socio-cultural terms, it means spreading the new approach to the “two wheels”, which gives the bike mobility an equal importance and dignity with other forms of mobility.
At the individual level, the choice to pedal meets the need to concretely improve the quality of daily life, reducing stress and time wasted in traffic, as well the cost of gasoline, which is not marginal aspect in the times of crisis. Practical reasons are often accompanied by ethical reasons, which are driven by the adoption of more sustainable lifestyles.