Smart Cities, the Italian way
How to promote local talents and remove risks of a conformed wellness
Since some years Smart Cities is a term that is included in the administrations agenda of the most important cities in the world. In the last years the discussion, dedicated to create new scenarios for urban development, has reached an interesting level. Also in Italy the discussion appear, at least on a theoretical level, quite evolved, creating an entirely Italian specificity.
The shared tendency seems indeed to overcome standard practices, thought for big metropolitan areas, promoting instead an approach aimed to give value to different local identities. The landscape features, the artistic and cultural richness as well as other aspects that give unicity and autenticity to our territories, must be the starting points on which create really «smart» values, as accessibility, connectivity, environmental sustainability.
  It’s in this perspective that the idea of smart cities meets the concept of «genius loci» : each place is something particular, irreplaceble and characterised by its own “spirit”, a luggage of experiences and shared knowledges. A human, social and intellectual patrimony that, combining with technology, asks to be used in the most smart way, that is to the exclusive benefit of collective and individual wellness.