The position of the national brand out of 49 countries
This the ranking according to the Made in Country Index 2017, a global study carried out between December 2016 and January 2017 by the German website Statesman, and carried out in 52 countries on a representative sample of 90% of the world population composed of over 40,000 respondents.
The results illustrate the value of the "Made in ...." for products of 49 single countries and of the European Union, indexed on a weighted average of the positive marks obtained by each "contender".
The Made in Italy reputation is in seventh place, with an index of 84 out of 100, surpassing (in this order) Japan, France and USA. The strong points recognized to the Italian products are their excellent design and their uniqueness, in terms of originality, distinctiveness and authenticity of the products. Aspects of weakness, with scores below average, are the price-quality ratio and the sustainability value.
In the study coordinated in Germany, first place is reached by the German products, to which is recognized high quality and high safety standards.
Swiss products are ranked in second place, considered an expression of status symbol and appreciated for their authenticity, while the European Union as a whole is in third place.