Every marketing initiative has its own research support. Nextest will assist you in the tactical or strategic challenges faced by the company.

- institutions (public and private)
- studies on the climate and satisfaction of human resources
- analysis of the internal motivation and of the adhesion to the corporate mission
- assessment of training needs and initiatives
- Competitive scenario
- investigation of the market and of the current players
- segmentation and analysis of current and potential targets
- analysis of purchasing and consumption behaviours
- geo-marketing and of the territory potential analysis
- Products and services
- assessment of the product/service performance
- analysis and development of the name/logo
- analysis and development of the packaging
- analysis of the price and of demand elasticity
- analysis and overall structure of the marketing mix
- Distribution
- exploratory studies on the distribution channel
- assessment of the trade performance and satisfaction
- analysis of purchase dynamics and of the relation with the point of sale
- Customer
- evaluation of the customer/user’s satisfaction
- evaluation of the degree of loyalty of the customer/user
- selection of the success factors in the relationship with the customer/user
- analysis supporting the creation of the Customer Relationship Management
- Strategy
- development of new products and line extension
- evaluation of the brand health and brand equity
- evolution of the brand and corporate identity
- strategic positioning of the brand
- strategies for the Customer Relationship Management
- Communication
- identification and optimization of the copy strategy
- assessment and evolution of the creative idea
- a post-evaluation of the message efficacy
- continuous monitoring of the effects generated by the communication
- assessment of the efficacy of the media planning and media-mix
- evaluation of promotional and below-the-line activities
- Web
- Assessment of the accessibility and usability of the site
- Analysis of the design and the content
- Studies on the positioning and consistency with the corporate identity
- Analysis and strategic segmentation of the users
- Evaluation of the performance and of the on-line communication
- CRS and social innovation
- Surveys on stakeholders engagement
- Analysis and development of the brand social equity
- Performance assessment of environmental and social initiatives